Sitting, breathing dreaming tossing and turning walking, running, moving through the world what arises from the deepest recesses of your mind your heart what songs melodies pure ripple from your memories what feelings soaring through your heart to land in your fingertips reaching out to touch …
Finding our Voices
From the primordial ooze the beings emerged single cells to slowly growing complicated creatures emerging from oceans walking on land four feet to two our evolution sits inside our cells our connection to it all the deep ocean the shore the forests of our origins the wide…
Watching from the window
This poem was written during a recent trip to the mountains. I was preparing for one of my daughters to leave to study in another country. My life feels very full of letting go, and the processing that entails. I hope that you enjoy and that it touches some truth in you. Watching from the…
Faith in the Light
This is a poem about the solstice. Today is the shortest day of the year, and the longest night. I wrote this yesterday anticipating this day to come, and wanting to share with you my faith in the light and the feeling that I have at this time of year. I also am hoping to…
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